Vous êtes en train de vous demander si, avoir des gouttes de vomi au bout des chaussures à un rapport quelconque avec votre dignité lorsque vous vous heurtez violemment le front sur l’un des tendeurs du chapiteau de cirque où vous festoyez déjà depuis plusieurs heures. Vous vous laissez glisser mollement dans l’herbe humide pour […]
Assis sur le rebord du bac, un batelier béat contemple la caravane du Polk Nation qui avance cahin caha, toussant et crachotant ses morceaux de bielles et de pistons. Une bête le gratte dans la capuche, il se tord le bras pour essayer de l’atteindre lorsque son regard accroche la chevelure de feu d’une des […]
1- We met… We met on friday thirteenth, It was the day… The day before Valentine’s. We had life boiling under our skins, We were bound to be more than friends. We were beautiful, we were growing taller… We were sure to always remain together… 2 – Our life… Our life was sweet and happy. […]
I lost my cat Saturday night My sweet little cat It’s gone away out of my sight in the field of frightening bats Where are you missing beast? In the east in the west Where are you ? missing beast Still alive? are you dead? In wich part of the neighbourhood Does your shaggy body […]
1 – The wind was blowin’ from the north all night long, The sky was overcast, and the air was going cold. It was about to snow, I wanted to see it falling with you, So I got my coat , and went out like we used to do. But the snow never came… And […]
1 – The street is really silent, Under this heavy smokey sky. The wind’s becoming violent, Rain has been falling all the night. The temperature is getting low, The atmosphere is bittersweet. Now the life seems to go-slow, Nobody’s out in the street. Ref – You’ve always been in love with fair weather, Long hot […]